Saturday, October 21, 2006

Letter to Editor (TOI): 31.10.03: Janaagraha

Dear Sir, it was most disappointing to read the news item regarding the BCC Council's tirade against the Janagraha movement. On one hand we have a person who is spending his hard earned money for the good of society and on the other you have so called people's representatives who think nothing of trashing his efforts. Most surprising was the reaction of former Mayor Mr. Chandrashekhar, who one thought belonged to a more progressive genre of politicians. Given the lack of transparency in the BCC's financial matters and the inept and corrupt ways of its officials, one would have thought the duly elected Corporators would whole heartedly support a movement such as Janagraha. This outburst has now blown away the fig leaf of respectability which the BCC Council once upon a time commanded. It doesn't take too much intelligence to figure out who will be the losers if Janagraha succeeds in making the whole system transparent and responsive. It's high time the Chief Minister publicly supports Janagraha and silences the naysayers once and for all!


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