Letter to Editor (TOI) 23.09.04: Speculation at the NYSE
Dear Sir, it was quite amusing to hear PM Manmohan Singh's promises at the NYSE regarding India's infrastructure development, especially so when we Bangaloreans suffer daily the lethargy and misplaced priorities of his party's state government in the fastest growing city in Asia. Let alone initiate new programs and plans, even maintaining and expediting projects currently underway seems to be a Himalayan task. As regards long term infrastructure projects witness the tardy progress regarding the Bangalore International Airport and the Metro Rail. Bangalore is bursting at the seams and the establishment is in deep slumber so much so that the temples of comtemporary India - Wipro and Infosys- alongwith many others have vowed not to expand their businesses anymore in Bangalore. In present day America and Europe Bangalore epitomises the emergence of India as a future powerhouse and the pathetic state of affairs in this city of the future is proof enough that the Government, whether at the State or Centre, really does not walk the talk. One visit to Bangalore, which is probably one of the most prosperous urban centres in the country, will prove to American investors the ground realities and the serious gap which exists between the perceptions of Dr. Singh and many of his party colleagues who head state governments. Given the very high visibility Bangalore enjoys and its pre-eminent position as modern India's showcase to the world it is time Dr. Singh picked up the phone and asked the CM to get his act together, otherwise his utterances at the NYSE will be considered as nothing more than mere speculation!
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